I find the message of “yet” so powerful because it gives a sense of possibility and continued growth. It’s not about failure but rather an evolutionary process towards mastery of a skill or knowledge. I once heard that the more paths you take, even if they don’t seem right for you, the closer you are to finding the right path. The message of “yet” is explained by Carol Dweck in her video on Developing a Growth Mindset in such a clear way that it gives the push needed to continue and continue and adopt the word “yet” as my own.
Adopting a growth mindset transforms learning by changing the perception of challenges. Instead of seeing them as obstacles, they are opportunities to grow, improve, focus, and enjoy the learning process and our efforts. I think that although I didn’t consider myself a technological person before, this master’s degree is allowing me to adopt that growth mindset and transform my perception of my technological skills.
Eduardo Briceno explains the growth mindset in his video Mindset and Success in such a thought-provoking way that it allows me to be more receptive to feedback by seeing it as helpful guidance rather than criticism. I will see feedback as an opportunity to improve and grow. I will be more open to receiving feedback and using it to improve my work
Dweck, C. (n.d.). Developing a Growth Mindset. Retrieved from YouTube
Briceno, E. (n.d.). Mindset and Success. Retrieved from YouTube