To Santa Fe Elementary School Administrators.
Students know that nowadays, it is easy to obtain information instantly online. For them, it is optional to develop analysis and comprehension skills; everything is on the Internet. They replace these skills with the immediate and effortless search for answers online. In addition, we use technological options to train and evaluate our students’ reading comprehension with preselected topics, often with topics outside of their interest, which have multiple choice compression questions and do not keep them interested since it is optional to make an effort, the possibility of obtaining the correct answer is always present; It only becomes a system for measuring errors or successes, which is often unreliable.
What if we could leverage technology to counteract this trend and actively engage students in developing their comprehension skills? We could allow students to create and appropriate their knowledge, producing new and original ideas focused on topics of interest and creating the desire to possess and appropriate their knowledge.
It sounds exciting and motivating. Through the use of ePortfolios, My aim is to foster in my students a genuine desire for analysis, cultivate an analytical mindset, and acquire knowledge. This will be facilitated through their academic emails in Google Docs. Students will have the freedom to select texts that truly excite them and be the ones to create comprehension questions about these texts. By submitting these questions in their ePortfolio, they will be able to engage with their peers, challenging each other to demonstrate their knowledge, either by posing questions or answering those created by their peers.
With their eProfolios, students become excited about their learning, gain knowledge, and feel confident to expand on the topic that interests them most. Like in an art gallery, students can display and develop their work anytime, anywhere. By using their eProfolio, students will truly own their knowledge. This approach encourages them to use their creativity without fear of making mistakes. It’s not about selecting a “right” or “wrong” answer but about connecting with their learning.
I am filled with optimism about the potential of this ePortfolio plan. I am humbly requesting the SFE administration to grant me the opportunity to implement the pilot program in my classroom next school year. I am fully committed to preparing my students and guiding them through this transformative process. This will enable me to meticulously analyze the data, carry out the necessary processes, and make adjustments to the application of this project. Ultimately, I hope to pave the way for the future implementation of this proposal in the school district.
As the landscape of education continues to evolve, it is of utmost importance that we proactively embrace new digital opportunities and seamlessly integrate them into our curriculum. This proposal is a significant step in that direction. By utilizing ePortfolios, we are equipping our students with the essential skills they need to thrive in the future.
I look forward to hearing your comments.
Angelica Alvarez